Why Meditation?

If someone had approached me 20 years ago and told me that there’s value in meditating for just 15 minutes each day, I would have scoffed at the thought. I can picture myself hastily walking away, wondering what cult this dude was representing.

For most of my adult life, I’ve been a “self-help” junky, constantly looking for ways to boost my self-perception and maintain a positive mindset regardless of the situation. I read books, attended seminars, and discussed these topics with various people I respected. It was all good in theory; however, the application was always more challenging. I never seemed to master any of it in real-life situations.

Fast forward to today. I’m still looking for ways to improve. However, I can say, without hesitation, that I’m an advocate of meditation! About two years ago, I stumbled upon a book titled Becoming Supernatural, authored by Joe Dispenza. I’d never heard of “Dr. Joe,” but his book was getting lots of play on the internet. The more I researched, the more I wanted to read it. Let’s be real. Who wouldn’t want to become Supernatural?

My intent is not to provide you with a book review; therefore, I’ll do my best to get to the point.

After reading Becoming Supernatural, I went on to read Dr. Joe’s other books:

You Are The Placebo, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, and Evolve Your Brain

His work has opened up a whole new world for me. Everything he discusses is backed by quantitative research. He shares the results of study after study that will convince even the most steadfast skeptics that there is tremendous value in meditating.

Let’s face it, we live in a world of distraction.

With the advent of 24/7/365 news media, we wake up each and every day to “Global Breaking News.” After all, we’ve got to be “in the know.” But then there are millions who interpret the news for us. Their opinions are sometimes baseless and often controversial. It leaves consumers in a state of confusion, without knowing who or what to believe. Our emails are now loaded with messages, including special offers just for you! Seriously? Typically these offers are not special and include stuff you could give a rats ass about. Plus you never know for sure if it came from the Taliban! I’m a fan of social media. However, it too is loaded with distractions. Don’t get me wrong, there is tons of quality content on social (this blog, for example, he said humorously).

Meditation is a way to get away from the chaos. It provides us the opportunity to change our focus from external to internal. I view it as a mini-retreat from my hectic external world. It is a time to let go of worry and enhance my peace of mind.

Dr. Joe and others have proved unequivocally that meditation improves brain function. This is due mainly to the advancements in medical technology, including brain scans, pet scans, MRI, EEG, etc.

If you still believe that meditation is only for monks, hippies, and cult members, I encourage you to do a little research. I think you’ll be amazed at what you find.

From the Becoming Supernatural Foreward, Gregg Braden, a New York Times Bestselling Author, describes the book as follows:

“It’s the first of its kind manual that does precisely this: it leads us on a step-by-step journey to achieving our greatest potential in body, health, relationships, and life purpose and allows us to make that journey at our own pace.”

Since reading these books and others written by highly qualified individuals, I can say with great conviction, “I’m all in.” I’ve spent at least 15-minutes almost every day, for the last 2 years meditating. Sure I’ve missed a few days for one reason or another, but it has become part of my morning routine.

Whether you are on a mission to change the world or simply looking for a more peaceful existence, meditation is the ticket. There’s so much more to share, which I will do in future blogs! Always anxious to hear your thoughts.

Just type Dr. Joe Dispenza into your browser and fasten your seatbelt!

2 responses to “Why Meditation?”

  1. I love the quote from Dr. Joe in closing…”if you can’t control your mind…great stuff
    I need to rethink meditation. My life is great and pretty much stress free, but trouble staying asleep at night. What time of day usually meditate?

    1. Hi Chris sorry for the late reply. Thank you for reading my stuff. I appreciate it so much! I got into meditation because I had read so much about the benefits. If you are interested, I can recommend a couple books that will give you more insight. I do it every morning first thing. It’s now a habit and I miss it if I don’t spend time doing it.

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